Friday, October 4, 2013

Summer Camping with the Fam

We are not campers.  Let me say that again.  We are not campers.

We decided on a family campout in July, and it ended up being great!  Matt and Abby found the greatest spot at Wasatch Stake Park, only a few minutes from their home in Heber.  It was perfect for beginners with a covered pavilion, cooking and cleaning facilities, hot showers, the works.  We had a blast with all the cousins!  I did not take one picture.  But lo and behold, our camera had quite a few, thanks to Romney.  Our tents were not in any of the shots, unfortunately, because we ended up buying a gem right before the trip.  A tent that sets up in 60 seconds.  With two queen blow-up mattresses that fit nicely inside, Brent and I each had our own bed and a good space in between us on the floor for Hartman to sleep.  Every morning I was amazed at how well I had slept...camping!  Romney got about all of the cousins, it seems, but no adults!  And no food...boy, that food was delish.

Love this group!

I wish we had a picture of our van either before or after camping.  I can't even tell you how jam-packed it was.  Every square inch of space inside, plus a zip-on top that held even more stuff on top.  On the way to the campsite we stopped at Costco for some food.  The van overheats, so we ended up blasting the heat all the way up the canyon. Nine people in an 8-seater mini-van, each of us holding so many things on our laps we could hardly see.  Needless to say, we were relieved to see the Wasatch State park sign!  

Now that we have our handy-dandy tent, we're game for another camping adventure next summer!

Brent only has 2 vacation weeks per year, so we decided to stop at the Embassy Suites in West Valley for one night on the way home.  It was so fun! 

Evening reception with snacks, two rooms to sleep in, a great breakfast the next morning, and right off the freeway for our journey home.  It was a great week!

Our old, faithful van also hit a milestone this summer
Sometimes we think it's a miracle that it's still running, but we're grateful every day.
It was a great vacation week!


  1. I LOVE all the pictures of the kids, each one is so cute! The one of Scarlett with Christian in the background picking his nose has me chuckling!! I'm pretty sure I have a picture or two of your van full to the brim, I'll have to send them to you!

  2. Wow what a treasure to find all those cute snapshots of the cousins on your camera!
